Video: Asking “How Much” In Turkish

How Much in Turkish

3 Videos in 1 easy Turkish Lesson

These three videos from TurkishClass101 show you how to ask “How Much?” in Turkish, and then explain the numbers between 1-100 so that you can understand the response. Each video is just 3 minutes … so in less than 10 minutes you have all the tools you need to go shopping!

Different ways of asking the price in Turkish

If you have something in your hand and you want to know how much it is:

How Much is this in Turkish

If you’re pointing at something and you want to know how much it is:

How Much is that in Turkish

A quicker, more direct way of asking the price of something is:

How Much in Turkish e.g. Object + How Much:One Express How much in Turkish

Different Responses to your price question in Turkish

All of this is really useful, but only if you can understand the response! Here’s the different responses you may get (using 21 as the price) This is, That is, It’s …. twenty one lira.

Response to How Much is this in Turkish. This is twenty one lira

It’s all well and good asking how much, but you also need to be able to recognise the numbers.

Here’s 1-10

Counting from 1-10 in Turkish

Here’s the 20 denominations up to 100

Counting in tens up to 100 in Turkish

Video from Turkish101 about how to ask “How Much” in Turkish

Video of Counting from 1-10 in Turkish

Video of Counting from 11-100 in Turkish


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